Rose Lamy
After starting a career in music and advertising, Rose Lamy created the Instagram account "Préparez-vous pour la bagarre" (Get ready for the fight) in 2019, an educational account in which she denounces the misogynistic reflexes that permeate the media as a whole – especially on the treatment of sexist violence – followed today by nearly 220,000 people.
First matured on this Instagram account, her reflections led her to write and publish in 2021 a clear and precise critical essay, Défaire le discours sexiste dans les médias (Lattès for the trade edition, Points for the paperback edition in 2022), which has been widely acclaimed in feminist circles but also by the general public. Since November 2022, she publishes a weekly newsletter and is part of the editorial board of the revolutionary feminist review La Déferlante.
Now perfectly identified as an expert in her field, Rose Lamy is regularly solicited by the media. She appeared in season 3 of the documentary "La Fabrique du mensonge" on the Depp/Heard trial, directed by CĂ©cile Delarue, and in a Binge Audio podcast on the feminicide of Marie Trintignant.
With L'Agency, she is currently writing her second book, which will tend more towards narrative non-fiction.
Profile picture copyright Romain Garcin