Défaire le discours sexiste dans les médias

Rose Lamy
JC Lattès
November 10, 2021

Since the creation of her Instagram account "Préparez-vous pour la bagarre" (Get ready for the fight), Rose Lamy has been collecting and dissecting hundreds of examples of sexist discourse in the press, on television or on the radio. This sexism never says its name, but it is indeed the one that leads editorial offices to keep silent or to relegate sexual violence to the periphery of newspapers. It is found in the choice of a word or a comma, participating in the blaming of the victims and the disempowerment of the accused.

But how to fight against sexism when it is perpetuated and amplified by the media? In this masterful and clear essay, Rose Lamy explores the foundations of this discourse, to undo its mechanisms and free us from it.

This book was published in paperback by Points on October 21, 2022.

Press review